Monday, February 15, 2016

A Way To Save Agriculture in Our Country

Among thousands of social problems in our country, i have chosen to converse about the recent problems in our agricultural sector with the view of raising awareness and responsiveness towards it for that will benefit both the society and the economy of Bangladesh.The geographic location and geomorphologic condition of Bangladesh have made the country agriculturally enriched. But still in this country farmers struggle to survive and flourish.It is an immensely criticized concept that the farmers of our country are being deprived of fair price. I want to go deeper into this problem and try to come up with a solution rather than only arguing about it. The problem with our farmers is that they are still illiterate about agriculture and struggle in areas like buying quality fertilizer and seeds, irrigation, taking protective actions against the ups and downs of nature, and most essentially in taking decision regarding on the spot selling of their crops or selling to an authorized distributor. This impacts our agriculture negatively as more and more of the farmers are leaving this sector since they do not earn enough to finance next year’s production at times.What i found through queries is that the intermediaries are the major constrain to farmers getting fair price as in our country goods are placed into the final market through these mediators. In most cases, they number from 4-7 and shipping in this step by step process adds cost to the goods. If intermediaries are eliminated then farmers can get larger share of what consumers pay and consumers will also be paying less. Our first and foremost task would be to educate our farmers and implement an improved channel of shipping goods with fewer/no intermediaries to help our farmers and consumers.The plan will further include creation of centralized farmers' markets in villages and other agricultural areas. this markets will be under surveillance.